For which Github repository would you like to set up a Github workflow?

Firebase web hosting is a great way to launch quick web apps. I’m by no means an expert nor do I claim to be. However, I do enjoy learning a ton of what can be done as quick and dirty as possible to build prototypes of an idea. That much is great. Now, as I’m sure all of you are thinking. Where’s the code. Just show me the good stuff. Let’s dive in to a quick solution that I just couldn’t find in my few google searches.
Alright so I’m setting up a web project on Firebase for a web app that I made. A simple tool for my day job that would make things a bit easier for me. I do hardware support for a proprietary software in the independent pharmacy industry.
Into the nitty and gritty. I perform firebase init > Login > Select project > configure hosting options > Setup automatic builds and deploys with Github?
That’s where I got stuck there was no instruction no (ex. blah blah blah). Which is in a lot of there questions they show an example for those new to the process. I did a quick google search and couldn’t find an easy quick solution. I tried random stuff.
First I tried the github repository URL. That didn’t work. Then I tried just typing in the repository name. That didn’t work. Lastly, I thought oh it shows my username/repositoryName cool let me try that. Boom it works.
It worked. It then goes through more questions I’ll give the full list so there is some context:
Setup automatic builds and deploys with Github? (Yes/No)
For which Github repository would you like to setup a Github workflow? (username/repositoryName)

Setup the workflow to run a build script before every deploy? (Yes\No)
Setup automatic deployment to your site’s live channel when a PR is merged? (Yes/No)
What is the name of the Github branch associated with your site’s live channel? (master)
That’s it. Hopefully that’s helpful for you. It’s simple things like this that help me understand what to do. Thanks for reading if you felt this was helpful. Give it a clap and let me know on Twitter: